
Welcome to Allendale Primary School

Nurture - Inspire - Achieve

Vision Statement:
We strive to make our school a place where staff, governors and parents work actively together to ensure children receive a rich, inspiring and engaging education enabling each child to become a lifelong learner, aspiring to high standards of achievement in all areas of their life.
Allendale Primary School provides a creative approach to learning in a happy and nurturing environment. We take pride in our inclusive and respectful ethos, where children’s strengths are celebrated and a life-long passion for learning is inspired. We enable development of children’s academic and personal potential in partnership with parents and our wider community.

  Our aims:

  • To develop each child’s self-esteem and ensure they feel valued and respected.
  • To provide an environment where children feel safe to learn, take risks and express themselves appropriately.
  • To equip children with the knowledge and skills necessary to flourish academically, preparing them for their next stage of education and beyond.
  • To support and celebrate every child’s individual achievements in all spheres of life.
  • To provide a broad, balanced and creative curriculum.
  • To provide a challenging and stimulating learning environment to enable children to develop their full potential.
  • To work collaboratively with parents, carers and other professionals.
  • To be an integral part of rural village life through shared partnerships with the wider community
We will encourage all children to:
  • Develop an attitude of kindness, tolerance and respect for all.
  • Communicate and express their feelings and ideas with both peers and adults with respect.
  • Become independent, confident, well-motivated and self-disciplined learners.
  • Learn that they are responsible for their own behaviour and reflect upon their actions and choices and that nothing should be a barrier for this.
  • Enjoy their learning by sharing and celebrating their talents and achievements within the school and wider community.
  • Engage fully with their own learning and challenge themselves to excel.Please take the time to review our prospectus, and also find out more about our village through the 'Village Trail' which was compiled by our Year 6 pupils.
Please take the time to review our prospectus, and also find out more about our village through the ‘Village Trail’ which was compiled by our Year 6 pupils.