
Anti-Bullying Policy

Every child, member of staff, parent, volunteer, governor and visitor to Allendale Primary School has the right to feel safe in our school and be treated with respect. We pride ourselves on the behaviour of our children and the warm welcome they give to visitors to our school.
If children have issues with their friends and peers, we encourage them to tell someone or write it down. When we become aware of any issues we will act upon them immediately, usually encouraging children to talk to one another and express how they feel. The earlier this is done, the less of an issue it becomes.
The definition of bullying is:

“behaviour by an individual or group, repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally”.

We have a large group of Anti Bullying Ambassadors from Y3 - Y6. they regularly meet with Mrs Huddleston to give their views and make suggestions about how we can ensure everyone feels safe, knows how to report any incidents and actively run activities that promote our school values of kindness, tolerance and respect.

If parents have concerns we always encourage them to come discuss matters with us in a polite and mutually respectful conversation.
Our anti Bullying leads are Mrs A Hawkins, Headteacher and Mrs K Huddleston, Skylark teacher. 
Our Anti - Bullying Governor is Mrs J Cooper.