School Day Timings
Our Breakfast Club, Allstars, housed in the Early Years Unit runs from 8.00am each morning and 3.30pm to 5.30pm Monday – Thursday, 4.30pm on a Friday.
Children in Reception Class and Nursery will be met by a member of the Reception staff team and taken into the unit. The children can be collected from the playground at 3.25pm or will be taken by a member of staff, to the hall to meet the rest of the children who travel by bus.
Key Stage 1 (Y1 and Y2) and Key Stage 2 (Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6)
From 8.45am, children can line up and chat to their friends in the playground.
8.55am Registration and Dinner orders
9.00am Maths UKS2 / Phonics Y3 and KS1, followed by Maths
10.00am Rotation for UKS2
10.40am Playtime
11.00am English
12.00pm Lunch Reception
12.05pm Lunch Y1
12.10pm Lunch Y2 and Y3
1240pm Lunch Y4, Y5 and Y6
1.15pm Reading / Assembly / Collective Worship
1.45pm Topic lessons / Science
3.30pm Hometime
There are a range of lunchtime clubs on offer to different year groups throughout the year.
There are some after school clubs available throughout the year.
Each School day is 6 hrs 35 minutes in length. A total of 32 hrs 55 minutes per week.